Ton Station

What is Ton Station?

Ton Station is the first launchpad built on the Ton blockchain, also known as the Open Network. Ton is a fast growing blockchain that has the backing of Telegram and its 1.5 billion person user base. Our mission at Ton Station is to help the best projects building on Ton get access to funding as well empower brazen crypto investors to get in early on these projects.

Our robust launchpad provides a secure environment for IDOs to take place, with a tier based system for Station holders and farmers to participate in the upside. Utilizing a fair and decentralized system, users who stake Station tokens will be able to join the IDOs with allocation levels according to their tiers. IDOs will be heavily vetted and go through a thorough screening process. Once selected, the project will receive additional support on top of funding including community development and service provider partners. The Ton Station team will support the project through its entire lifecycle from incubation, to TGE, and post launch development.

The Ton Station Ethos

"To be truly free, you should be ready to risk everything for freedom" - Pavel Durov

Our team has had extensive experience developing projects in crypto with projects entering the 9 figures in market cap. The biggest reason we have chosen to align ourselves on the Ton blockchain is because we share the ethos of true economic freedom for individuals. Using the state of the ark sharding technology, the Ton blockchain can process 104,715 transactions per second (TPS). In addition to economic freedom, we also believe in decentralized freedom at the broader level. This includes applications like gaming, marketplaces, data storage services, and more; all of which telegram and Ton builders are developing within the open network. We are ready to assist in this shared mission to create a decentralized free ecosystem where anyone can transact in a matter of seconds, free from any restrictions.

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