
Staked Station holders will also have voting and governance power in the Ton ecosystem. In addition Station holders in the First Class tier will have the opportunity to propose IDOs to the team for review and these IDOs will be be expedited to the top of desk where our team will ensure the proposal gets looked at at the very least. We receive hundreds of proposals for IDOs every month, we want to make sure our communities voice gets heard from those that support us the most.

The process of voting and governance is as follows:

1.) Staked Station holders creates a proposal for governance or IDO and submits it to the Ton Station team.

2.) Dialogue in the Ton Station community begins to dive deeper into the proposal and come up with a clear understanding. Each member is welcome to present a difference variation of the proposal. Preliminary voting is done to narrow down the best 3-5 options.

3.) Voting on the proposals commences and finalizes on Ton Station. The team will then begin implementing the necessary next steps once voting is finalized and the results are known.

Last updated